Effective Study Methods

Are you ready to tackle your next big study session like a boss? Look no further than these fun and effective study methods to help you nail that upcoming exam or project. Whether you’re studying for a science quiz or prepping for your driver’s license exam, these study methods are sure to help you ace it. Let’s dive in!

It’s exam time, and you’re feeling stressed. You’ve been going over your notes, but the material’s not sticking. You need a way to retain the information and pass that test with flying colors. Fear not, my friend. With these study methods, you’ll be tackling those textbooks and notes like a pro.

Active recall:

Think you have what it takes to remember all those obscure facts and figures? Well, you’re in luck. “Active recall” is a study method that involves recalling information on your own. Instead of rereading your notes over and over, try testing yourself with flashcards or practice questions. By actively recalling the information, you’ll strengthen your understanding of the material and help it stick in your long-term memory.

Spaced repetition:

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information you need to remember, “spaced repetition” is the way to go. It involves reviewing the information you want to remember over a long period of time. By gradually increasing the amount of time between review sessions, you can help the information stick in your long-term memory. It’s like a gentle reminder every so often to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything!

My personal favourite pomodoro technique:

Are you struggling to find the right balance between study time and break time? “Pomodoro” is a time management technique that can help you stay focused without burning out. Here’s how it works: study for a set amount of time, usually around 25 minutes, and then take a short break. Repeat this process a few times, and you’ll be surprised at how much you can get done! I usually like to turn on pomodoro timers on youtube where someone else is studying as well. (makes me feel motivated:P)


Who said studying couldn’t be fun? “Flashcards” are an age-old study method that involves creating cards with information on one side and a question or concept on the other. You can then test yourself by trying to recall the information. They’re an easy way to make learning portable and engaging. Plus, they come in all shapes and sizes, so you can choose the ones you like the most!

These are just a few of the many study methods out there. The most effective method will depend on your personal learning style and the subject matter you’re studying.

Bonus tip – Study with me videos

These videos help you stay focused and make you feel like you are not studying on your own. I will link one example here.