Exploring Academic Opportunities: High School Counselors at VSE

On Monday, May 13, 2024, the VSE International Office hosted a group of 14 foreign high school counselors from 12 diverse countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Taiwan, USA).

The three-day event (May 13-15, 2024), organized by the Study in Prague Consortium, aimed to familiarize counselors with the English-taught programmes available at Prague’s public universities, with the main goal of attracting international students to pursue their higher education in Prague.

During their visit to VSE, the counselors were provided with a comprehensive programme designed to showcase the university’s academic offerings and campus life. The three-hour program included not only the opportunity to tour the Žižkov campus, speak with English undergraduate programme coordinators over lunch, and learn about the opportunities to study at VSE, but more importantly, chat with students across programmes. Four international students shared their experience of living in Prague and their study journey at the university.

The last point of the programme was a visit at Jarov dormitories, where counselors had the opportunity to see first-hand the accommodations VSE guarantees to all international students.